Sunday, September 23, 2012

Flannel, flannel.....and more flannel!

Today has been another one of those Sundays where I feel like the walls are closing in on me because I have 1,000 things I want to get done before the new work week that is just mere hours away!

Guess I shouldn't have spent all day yesterday yard sale shopping, going to the movies and grocery shopping!

After a frantic morning of trying to get my housework done and my meals planned and precooked (as far as I can take them) for the week, I decided to squeeze in some time doing what I love before going back to work......quilting.

Some time back, someone commissioned me (for lack of a better term) to make 6 cupcake quilts for their grand daughters.  She had a ton of chocolate brown cupcake fabric and wanted some used in every quilt.  I was down to my last one and it has been 75% finished for quite some time now.  I just have not been "in the mood" to work on it lately.  But, today I decided to step away from my vintage sheets for a few hours and finish up this quilt!

This was the last of the 6 and, as far as I am concerned, a bit of a scrap quilt.  By the time I got to this one, I did not have enough of the focus fabric to do whatever pattern I pleased.  Instead, I had to work with what little I did have and make something that made sense.

I don't have a formal pattern for this quilt as I did not use one, I just sort of winged it!  However, I can tell you that there are:

90 3 1/2" squares (solid green)
90 3 1/2" X 6 1/2" rectangles (various patterns/colors)

You essentially put them together in an alternating pattern and fashion as many rows as you like.  I honestly think this would have looked nice in a group of solids as well.

If you happen to make one, send a picture my way!

Here are some of the other cupcake quilts in the "collection" 


"Chocolate Hopscotch"

"Zig Zag"


This one was for a baby and I made the executive decision not to use the chocolate cupcake fabric and opt for a pastel one instead.  

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